Jericho Cutter Novel Pt. 1

Way back in the day (actually it was around 2015) Jericho Cutter almost became a novel. The story had been fully developed, characters created, timelines arranged, spinoffs and sequels written as well but the art was too much of an undertaking at the time so writer and creator, Jason B. Ryan decided he would attempt to turn this epic tale into a novel.

The novel was never finished and now Jericho Cutter is a super dope comic book as originally intended so no need to backtrack. However…. the first chapter of the novel was actually finished. So in efforts to not waste any content, we will be posting excerpts from the novel to give a little more depth into the world of Jericho Cutter. Enjoy.


Chapter 1, Part 1

Thick dark clouds loom over the city like vultures awaiting the death of a wounded dog; threatening a downpour to cleanse the filth off the streets. Several large buildings reminiscent of ancient architecture make up the vast landscape.  The lights from the surrounding buildings illuminate a warm glow.

The city seems to have a pulse. It almost appears as if it breathes like a sleeping beast. The layout of the city is perfectly symmetrical. On the outside is a large wall that surrounds the entire city. The layout is similar to a bullseye with a larger ring just inside of the massive wall and inside each ring of buildings there is a smaller ring of buildings. The smaller buildings are on the outer ring and the buildings gradually get larger and larger on each level. 

In the center stands a tall, obelisk shaped building with onyx black windows. At the top stands a large statue of a hulking man holding a sword in one hand and a rose in the other hand. On the arm holding the rose, there is a snake coiled around the length of the forearm. The snake’s mouth is open; fangs exposed, as if it were preparing to attack it’s host.  

The obelisk is significantly taller than the other buildings and has been meticulously crafted with pristine detail.  From its appearance and its location in the center of the city, it is evident that powerful people make important decisions from this building. This city does have a pulse. It does have a life force. This city has an identity and a personality, as would any person walking its streets. This city is the heart of a massive and ancient empire that has been in power for centuries. This is Sentry City. 


JEricho CUtter - BAckground for DEck.jpg


Jericho BTS #2


Jericho Cutter… The Movie??